The supreme body of inm is the General Assembly. inm's membership is mostly made up of representatives of Berlin's professional contemporary music scene (musicians, composers, ensembles and independent groups, organisers, performance and production venues). Every second year, the membership elects inm's board of directors and its jury. The board is responsible for the inm's cultural policy work and consists of the Chair, two Vice Chairs, the Treasurer and two other board members. The board is also supported by co-opted board members who mostly work on specific topics. The jury is also elected by the membership for two years at a time and decides on the allocation of inm project funds. Jury members can, but do not have to, be members of inm. Alongside the board, inm's office takes care of all internal and external matters of the association, keeping in close contact with the Berlin Senate Cultural Administration. Since 2016, inm has also been the sponsor of the field notes programme, which works to strengthen the presence and professionalisation of the contemporary music scene.
